JUNE, 2014


Regulating Emerging Robotic Technologies in Europe:
Robotics facing Law and Ethics

Project No.: 289092
Start date: March 1st, 2012
Duration: 27 Months
Funding scheme: Collaborative project
EU Financial Contribution: 1.497.966 EUR


The first issue of the RoboLaw Newsletter has been released on April 1st, 2013

RoboLaw 1st Newsletter


Click here for downloading the RoboLaw Project leaflet (version 10 April 2012)


Here is reported a selection of the main articles appeared in scientific popular media and press on the RoboLaw project

'ROBOLAW - Europe supports more research on robotics and the law' in Robot Companions Blog , January 25th, 2012

'Pisa sfida Asimov e riscrive le leggi dei robot' di Laura Montanari in laRepubblica - Cronaca di Firenze, venerd́ 16 marzo 2012

'"Il controllo delle macchine? L'ultima grande lotta di classe" - Intervista a Alberto Pirni' in laRepubblica - Cronaca di Firenze, venerd́ 16 marzo 2012

'Libro bianco sul diritto robotico' in Ṇva - Inserto de Il Sole 24 Ore, domenica 18 marzo 2012

'Robot, favorevoli o contrari?' in Treccani.it L'enciclopedia italiana', 08 giugno 2012

'Il diritto dei robot e delle nuove tecnologie: progetto RoboLaw - giuristi, filosofi e ingegneri si incontrano in un convegno internazionale' in Le Scienze Web News, 19 giugno 2012

'You, robot? - Technology and regulation: A research project considers how the law should deal with technologies that blur man and machine' in The Economist, September 1st, 2012

'BCI News Roundup – September 2nd (Labor Day Edition)' in Interaxon - Thought Controlled Computing , September 2nd, 2012

'Beyond Asimov: the struggle to develop a legal framework for robots' WIRED.CO.UK, February 18th, 2013

Article on RoboLaw appeared (in Russian language) in Russian Weekly Magazine Ogoniok, May 6th, 2013

Smart robots, driverless cars work - but they bring ethical issues tooThe Observer, October 20th, 2013