'Legal, Economic and Socio-Ethical Implications for the Next Generation of Robots’
Monday, May 6th, 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany

Workshop Schedule (in progress)

15' for presentations

5' for questions and answers

08:45 09:00 Welcome by the organisers S. Beck, M. Decker, P. Salvini, A. Santosuosso

09:00 12:10 Session 1: Robotics for humans - non technical aspects of an innovative technology
Chair: Mathias Gutmann/Michael Decker

09:00 09:20 M. Decker Technology Assessment of service robots: Consequences for individuals and society

09:20 09:40 R. Dillmann Nowadays autonomous robots (TbC)

09:40 10:00 I. Ott Innovation in the context of global trends

10:00 10:30 Coffee break

10:30 10:50 M. Fischer Robots and human work

10:50 11:10 M. Gutmann Lethal behavior: ethical reasoning in robots?

11:10 11:30 T. Dreier and
I. Spiecker
Legal challenges - challenging the law

11:30 12:10 Chair: M. Decker
Participants: All session speakers
Interdisciplinary Round Table

12:10 14:50 Session 2: Robots and Safety: Robots could soon be everywhere - how can we ensure our safety?
Chair: TbC

12:10 12:30 Chris Harper (TbC) ISO perspectives on safety for service robots (TbC)

12:30 12:50 Filippo Cavallo On dependability and human factor in service robotics (TbC)

12:50 14:00 Lunch break

14:00 14:20 Elbert de Jong Robots and safety: balancing between safety and innovation in legal vacuums? A liability law perspective

14:20 14:50 Chair: Tbc
Participants:All session speakers
Round Table on Safety and Law

14:50 16:50 Session 3: Robots and Liability Using technology, there is always something going wrong – what then?
Chair: Amedeo Santosuosso (TbC)

14:50 15:10 Christophe Leroux The Green paper on Robotics

15:10 15:30 Chiara Boscarato Robotics: a challenge for Tort Law

15:30 16:00 Coffee break

16:00 16:20 Andrea Bertolini Robotics and liability rules (tbC)

16:20 16:50 Chair: Amedeo Santosuosso
Participants: All session speakers
Round Table on Liability and possible solutions

16:50 18:00 Session 4: Robotics and Privacy: Robots will know a lot about us – how can we make sure they keep it for themselves?
Chair: Susanne Beck

16:50 17:10 Ronald Leenes Big brother on wheels? – Privacy & data protection in robots

17:10 17:30 Lucky Belder Intellectual Property Rights and the development of autonomous intelligent systems

17:30 18:00 Chair: Susanne Beck
Participants: All session speakers
Round table on robotics and privacy

18:00 18:15 Final discussion and conclusions